Portfolio Style Drift Check with StyleCheck

Purchase a Subscription

The Easy Way to Analyze Mutual Fund Style Drift

StyleDriftScorecard.com is sold by susbcription and is a "Saas" Software-as-a-Service program. The advantage is that:

- you don't have to download or install anything

- you don't have to worry about whether it's up-to-date each time you use it

- we keep the data updated monthly

Pricing and Ordering Online

StyleDriftScorecard.com ANNUAL Subscription

Regular price is $3699 annually. Limited First Release discount will be $999 through Nov. 15th only. Order ANNUAL PLAN by clicking here.

StyleDriftScorecard.com QUARTERLY Subscription

Regular price is $1000 a quarter. Limited First Release discount will be $300 a quarter through Nov. 15th only. Order QUARTERLY PLAN by clicking here.


NOTE: Other companies are charging up to $8,000 and up to $16,000 for access to style drift data and analysis. Now those subscriptions include other software tools for asset allocation, performance analysis and lots of other stuff bundled in, but from what we know they do not offer the style drift analysis outside as a separately accessible data source..

StyleDriftScorecard.com is the only website where you can focus in on just the "Style Drift Analysis" to help you build your client portfolios, or help you analyze which funds to add to a retirement plan, without you having to switch software tools for building and managing your portfolios.





Great for: Financial Advisors, Brokers, Certified Financial planners, Plan Sponsors, 401(k) Fiduciaries, Registered Representatives, Registered Reps, IARs, Trusts, and anyone picking investments, developing asset allocations and implementing portfolios with mutual funds.

Software Specs: Internet-based software runs on any computer that can operate a Web Browser including Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, and Linux. No software installation is required. Runs in your web browser.


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Main Benefits:

Avoid Lawsuits

Reduce Portfolio Risk

Improve Performance

It's Easy-to-Use

Save Time

Lower Cost

No Install Required

No Downloads Needed

Data Updated Monthly

Web-Based Software